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Pictures from my best friend's wedding... (1人在浏览)

QUOTE(DESTINATION @ 2005年10月05日 Wednesday, 11:40 AM)
I know that it's SF Bay Bridge. But I wonder knowing more on it and pier 39, especally pier 39. These pictures that I post are from internet. Firstly, it can help me learn English, Secondly, I can learn more USA's culture . Of course I'm Dianbainese.
I'm sorry to my last thread, because I did not know anything on that picture.

旧金山-海湾大桥 The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge:









造价: 海湾大桥正式建成开通于1936年11月12日,工程总花费为7760万美元


桥梁长度:海湾大桥自身主体的长度为22,720 英尺。

跨海长度: 海湾大桥跨海部分的长度为4.5( miles)英里
桥梁总长度:海湾大桥的总长度包括引桥为43,500 英尺 or 8.5 miles英里

桥梁抗地震能力: 海湾大桥的设计抗可以抵抗地震造成的27.7 英尺的摇摆移动。


每天的车流量数为: 280,000 辆/天


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For your curiosity, here are some information of SF Pier 39 (O人a^Fishman's Wharf):





O人a^是e世公J的,f金山最令人感到快返牡胤健T谶@Y,你可以大啖螃蟹酸I包;⒂^@悚搞怪的像^(Wax Museum);遨[美的「水底世界」(Underwater World);欣p精彩的街^人表演;或是在敞而有格{的四大物中心血拼,等逛得p腿lr,再去美景小^(Buena Vista Cafe)喝一杯香獾m咖啡提神。


在泊MO船的a^上,其中有一艘叫「巴克拉_」(Balclutha) 的三桅帆船,是1883年在K格m建造的,後砀难b成一座h浮博物^供[客上船⒂^。它年曾MdF重的物,由W洲智利的合恩角?#092;抵f金山,它代表著f金山光s的^去,F泊在海┞ (Beach Road)旁的海上供後人瞻仰。

而「像^」(Wax Museum)t位在芊鹕街上,Y面展出的像都是名人,有受人鄞鞯模灰灿好昭彰的,其中影明星占大多担如伊利莎白泰勒、可芸松、莎明妮莉和王都是仿u的ο蟆S幸魂子^方把成施展中拳_的架葑龀伤芟穹旁陂T口以V招啤=衲瓿酰1999)斥巨Y整修完,热莞精彩可^了。

花了四百f美元d建的「水底世界」座落在39a^旁,⒂^者如站在一l移拥淖叩溃^一座玻璃u成的透明隧道r,抬^一看,就可欣pf金山趁利神秘的海底世界。只虎、狗~c形如L~,拖著一lL尾巴的魔鬼~(stingray,又Qkite fish)在海Y游碛稳ィ姿莩C健迅捷,^e也展出水母,但比起「蒙特里乘族^」(Monterey Bay Aquarium)恚就有如小巫大巫了。



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Accoding to your introduction, SF is a attractive region. The bread of crabs, sealions on the beach, grande golden gate and SF bay bridge, busker in fisherman wharf, mural on street- wall etc. It's amuseing. I'm looking forward to visting there..
Former California is Mexico, after the gold ruch, It become rich and prosperous. Many ethnicity people settle to California, especailly Los Angle and San Francisco. It mix with several cultures. Being different with the rumpurs New York, San Francisco is quieter. I hered that Chinese's population in USA are at least one billion. Los Angle has four hundreds thouthen Chinese, SF must has much, could you tell me the approximate population of Chiese in there? Chinatown are very famous in USA and to be landscape in somewhere in USA. So could you detail more on Chinatown please?
There is nothing to be good. . We can go on well
QUOTE(i心 @ 2005年10月16日 Sunday, 12:23 PM)
There is nothing to be good. . We can go on well

I don't what did you mean. I wasn't selling anything here. I didn't say anything good. I just responded to someone's questions.
Anyway, I was happy for my friend's wedding.That's my original purpose of this thread. We all go on well!
Pity that I can't see the beatific newlywed, but I give my best wishes for them. The American wedding let me feels like romantic.
compared with our chinese traditonal wedding, I think it is more complex.
I see many strange grammars in your talking. It is my first time to see the word 'dianbainse' . Is it right? One thing for sure is that '粤语' is Cantonese and '国语' is mandarin.
I think the wedding event is very complicated every where. It needs a lot of energy and money.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年10月16日 Sunday, 01:05 PM)
I don't what did you mean. I wasn't selling anything here. I didn't say anything good. I just responded to someone's questions.
Anyway, I was happy for my friend's wedding.That's my original purpose of this thread. We all go on well!

You are welcome, Thanks for your picture, it let us know the American wedding, and culture. I hope in future you can post more to share with us.
QUOTE(妮妮 @ 2005年11月16日 Wednesday, 09:59 AM)
I want to see the bride and the groom


I don't think my friends would the idea of posting their pictures on the web without knowing it.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年11月18日 Friday, 02:13 AM)
I don't think my friends would the idea of posting their pictures on the web without knowing it.

hehe,I'm just kidding~

