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学习英语的台阶-----Mondlango (2人在浏览)



大同语是世界大同语(Mondlango)的简称,是一种以世界语(Esperanto) 和英语为基础的国际辅助语。所谓“国际辅助语”,它并不试图取代任何现存的民族语,而是在不同的民族语之间充当桥梁作用的语言。大同语的主要特点是:




Apparently, the author of this article did not have a thorough cognition on English.

English is basically from language of Anglo-Saxon, Latin, Greek and France. Besides, many borrowed words exist in English.

If you want to learn the morphology, you'd better learn Latin.

However, Latin is far more difficult to learn than English.

Mondlango and Esperanto are created by some lazy people to give a virtual shortcut to the learners.
Questions and Answers of Mondlango

1. What will the world be like when all people speak the same language?
We are not proposing a single language, we are proposing that people adopt a second language. Which means we won't have to learn three, four or more languages. We'll simply learn the International language which will be the common language, the real bridge for people of different countries. People would only have to learn the international language apart from their own native languages. As a consequence, less prominent languages, whose limited reach might lead to their disappearance, would be saved from extinction.

2. A country where the percentage of people understanding English is high, is more modernized. Is this true?
No! Some countries, such as India, Pakistan, and Nigeria , as former colonies of UK , use English as their official language, but they aren't highly modernized. On the other hand, Japan, Germany , and Sweden , which do not use English as official language, are highly modernized.

3.But isn't Mondlango an artificial language?
Of course it is. So is every language in the world. The word "artificial" means "made by human beings”, and every language has been created by human beings. The difference between national and artificial languages is that a national language is not made scientifically , but has many irregularities and unreasonable factors, whereas an artificial language is constructed systematically and scientifically, absorbing the good points and removing the shortcomings of national languages. In fact, Indonesian is a constructed language made by a Dutch missionary in the 1920s on the basis of synthesizing some local languages. Now this language has become the national language of Indonesia , used by more than one hundred million people. Mondlango is constructed also by synthesizing Indo-European languages such as English, French, Spanish , etc.
呵呵~~~amiko or A n i k o ??
Life is like a dream...

