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I LOVE YOU 的真正含义 (4人在浏览)

Our days are going to average out to about 24 hours. They will be a little shorter when you are in love, and a little longer when you are out of love.
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月02日 Saturday, 11:19 PM)
Our days are going to average out to about 24 hours. They will be a little shorter when you are in love, and a little longer when you are out of love.

Yes, happy time always goes faster.
Time moves too slowly
when we wish it would pass,
And rushes by quickly
when we want it to last
But despite its rate of travel,
Time cannot stop or steal
The heart that holds within itself
A love true and real.
QUOTE(flnh0101 @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 10:35 AM)

In fact, it's not so profound as you think.
How fortunate are the people who are able to love. That is the true joy of life, the ability to love. It is quite sure some people are genuinely uable to love any more. But love is alive in those fortunate people. The love will everlastingly occur to that people like it always does. Love alone could waken love.
Love is double sword. It's bliss we can live with another part ,who is your favour. But sometime is unfortunate for someone, including the family and economy itms. However, youth should chase their lover unlimitely.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年06月21日 Tuesday, 03:43 PM)
Are you talking about English in general is bad?

→Did you mean that english in general is bad ?
QUOTE(lonelyhuang @ 2005年09月28日 Wednesday, 05:48 PM)
love is love and sex!

Is that simple? Maybe this is only how guys' thinking.
Love always comes with sweet and bitter, happy and upset, honesty and cheat, generous and greedy。。。。
QUOTE(lonelyhuang @ 2005年09月28日 Wednesday, 05:48 PM)
love is love and sex!


用户组: 荣誉会员
发表总数: 12,917
精华主题数: 9
现金: 576 元
存款: 199071 元
注册日期: 2004-11-13
来自: 飘飘小屋
用户编号: 1,071
背单词: 《走遍美国》(第一册)
性别: 女性

I LOVE YOU 的真正含义

Inject     ----投入

L-Loyal   ----忠诚

O-Observant ----用心

V-Valiant   ----勇敢

E-Enjoyment ----喜悦

Y-Yes    ----愿意

O-Obligation ----责任

U-Unison   ----和谐

QUOTE(camille @ 2005年06月18日 Saturday, 08:27 PM)
I don't know what is love ,may be I'm still a student !

I can tell you that what is love.But can you tell you tell me how to find you?
Love could be exprienced. No matter how hard you tell, the one whom is being told couldn't know much.
love is warmth to me
that means even if you are alone you will never be lonely.

