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  1. L

    one night stand wiil be good

    one of my friend who studying in Canada told me: One night stand are so popular in Canada! I support that! what's your opinion!?
  2. L

    new for maoming, new to here!

    come here just one day! Everything is new for me! I dare to know it from nothing! Is Dianbai a good place for me to stay?!~ Are the people here are nice?!~ What should I do?! Where can I play my football?~ so many ^^^^^^^
  3. L

    电白 一中 是一个胸襟开阔的地方否?~

    思想成熟的城市,,无不是汇四方之精华,成自我之大成! 电白,,能否容百家所长?~
  4. L

    在电白 去那踢球 啊?!

    新来 电白 喜欢足球! 那里可以踢球的呢?!