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  1. L


    面对一些坏事的时候应该寻找正确的途径去决绝问题! 想想 学校 想想老师!
  2. L

    I LOVE YOU 的真正含义

    love is love and sex!
  3. L

    one night stand wiil be good

    ot's ok~
  4. L

    one night stand wiil be good

    I believed the save sex life.....I think all the Chinese should improve this kind knowleges! Be save......... I do not tell you that we should trying "one night stand" but you should know what's that....... you should relise that China had been so open when she became one memmber of the...
  5. L

    one night stand wiil be good

    QUOTE(凌晨两点半 @ 2005年09月18日 Sunday, 09:58 PM) haha,behind the mask we can see an undivided heart. in my opinion,the negative influences are much more than the positive ones.but,however,having a try is innocent...hiahia 698287 he was one of my classmates from GuangZhou! so I supposeed that you...
  6. L


    pretty good
  7. L

    Could You Show Your English Name Here?

    lonely wolf
  8. L

    one night stand wiil be good

    oh!!! no~~~ i'm so sorry for my words!~!! but it's so common` every English could said that word at lest 5 times everyday durning there daytime! learn english should learn all of their words! right!? but anyway,,,,i'm sorry~
  9. L

    〓 中国十大最美丽的大学校园 〓

  10. L

    〓 中国十大最美丽的大学校园 〓

    哥哥,,,你有真正地去了解了全国的高校风景啦吗? 要是没有的话,,,就不要以偏盖全拉~~~~ 在下去做游历过的高校不算多,,,但是,就风景来说,,位于桂林王城,独秀峰下的广西师范大学,,绝对可以是美丽独特的。。。。就风貌历史而讲,,陕西首府,,西安交大所在的古城却又别有古国之风貌!!!! 就您所提及的广东三大高校而论,,,中大固然是环境清幽,深大也可以说是新异,海大也颇具特色,,,,,,,可是,您有去过广州大学城吗??!!!说到广东高校之典范,,撇下母校广州大学不讲,难道九大高校就没有一间应该提及吗??? 广州大学城,可谓是广州高校的里程碑哎!!!
  11. L

    one night stand wiil be good

    -the unsafe things are not suggested. after you find you got some unexpected diseases such as aids or some sex disease it is to late to regret. especially in those western countrys. i do not think that sex fucking would be unsafety!..........There are so many ways to protect you and your...
  12. L

    one night stand wiil be good

    one of my friend who studying in Canada told me: One night stand are so popular in Canada! I support that! what's your opinion!?
  13. L

    在电白 去那踢球 啊?!

    要找学校,,,应该是可以的 可是,,就是在这里 认识的人一共四个 全部都是女生。。。。。。。 怎么说,,,要结识一些球友才行啊!
  14. L

    new for maoming, new to here!

    Everything is unknowed~ Maybe I would stay here,,,,or maybe leave next week! It's not depond on me but the brocasting! I'd not like to move too much more!~
  15. L

    new for maoming, new to here!

    Sure not! i'm a professonal travaller~
  16. L


    it's useful~
  17. L


    两个问题: 1、“肯承认自己是电白人,这是事实,决非传言” 。。。。 在下没有真正去考证过,,,没有发言的权利~ 2、“而不再是声名狼籍时候,” 电白真的是“声名狼籍”吗?! 我来电白只有两天,,,具体我不是很了解,,不过,,在我了解过为数不多的城市中,,,电白并不是很差的一个! 出了有过一次高考事件,,这里总体给我的印象,,还好!
  18. L


    新来电白,,,对这里的了解可说是:一无所知! 但是,,这个论坛给了我一个好的印象! 在我所去过不下三十个县级以上的城市中,,,大多的当地论坛,,总是充满着对政府的怒骂和谴责,,,,论坛几乎是成了当地群众发泄对政府不满的“专用场地”! 而这里,,,却让我看到一种不同~~~~~~
  19. L

    电白 一中 是一个胸襟开阔的地方否?~

    QUOTE(巴布拉丝加特 @ 2005年08月27日 Saturday, 11:36 AM) 真系几无聊!! 628957 呵呵! 为什么我每去一个地方,,,每一个地方的人都会是说自己的家乡不够好的呢!? 恨铁不成钢~ 哈哈~
  20. L


    一些事,一些情! Hugo 读这封信的时候,,,心底狠狠地颤抖着!