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  1. mask ,come in

    mask ,Let's talk soccer. haha ,I happily know you like soccer , let's drink nectared wine (soccer)!
  2. 这里有祖籍是电白黄岭的人吗?

    呵呵! 随便问一下?大家出来说说电白黄岭的情况,,好吗? 我不是很了解黄岭的情况. 不过我觉得这个名字很特别.! 不知道是不是电白最穷的地方,最落后的地方?最偏远的山区地方. 大家能不能告诉我呢???
  3. Bee,come in .I have something for you !

    Bee, Thanks ,you take a photo to me .haha ,I have collected it.. Here is the photo taken by me today,the area on the photo,you must know it.and you must had been to there. but you have been to US.for many year. maybe you can remenber it in a moment.. So I just make a fun , can you guess what...
  4. 电白有个叫粮米的地方吗?谁告诉我!

    今天在车站见到了一架车是水东―粮米专线的车。。。。。 不知道粮米是哪里呢??谁能告诉我啊??
  5. 牛腩贵的牛腩真的好好吃呀!!!!!!!!!!!!

    今天去吃了牛腩贵的牛腩,,,先来了4块牛腩粉,,吃完后,,还想吃.再来了2块牛腩毛钱粉~~ 爽啊..... 牛腩贵的牛腩真是好吃啊好弹牙.... 又不韧~~~~好吃啊!!! .谁告诉我牛腩贵名字的由来吗???~~~ 有两个男的一个胖点平头 另一个没那么胖西装头.. 哪个是啊贵啊!!!! 其实我很小的时候就去那吃过了..,但很多年没去那吃过了 不过那时候没有什么印象... 随着年纪的增长~~和在其他地方吃过的牛腩比较过..才知道牛腩贵的牛腩好吃啊!!!!!!!!! 本想照点啊贵的档口的照片..和牛腩的照片回来~~~ 但是因为啊贵档口~~~呵呵,,,..可以说,...不是很卫生...
  6. 谁告诉我"牛喃贵"的挡铺在哪里???

    那么多人说牛腩贵的牛腩粉好吃 我不知道牛喃贵的档口在哪里. 谁告诉我啊! 我想试一下啊!
  7. Bee.come in ....

    Can you show some photoes about America to the English Forum?

    What kind of Universty is considering to be good. How to just it ,and how to choise a Univerty is suit for myself .
  9. 管理员进来一下.(关于论坛的成员的ID的保护)

    我有时候网吧上网. 我上网的时候.有时候一打开电白论坛有有些是已经有的用户名字的了.也就是说,先前在我这台机上的XX电白论坛会员ID依然处于登陆状态. 是否应该更改一下这点呢?(就是说,在关机后,该ID的数据在该台机也随着消失) 这都是好几次看到了. 这里可可以说明现在电白论坛已经有很多人上了.... 我也觉得你们论坛的IP的保密不是很好,因为不是管理员都可以知道会员的IP.. 怎么说,我觉得你们在凉爽事件上的做法不大妥.......基于很多方面的因素我也不合适在这里给你们什么意见,,.只想化干戈为玉帛...那样大家都好.....
  10. Which fast-food resturant is your most like?

    DO&ME Mcdonald KFC? I first answer,I prefer KFC ,Becauce of the chiken.....I think their chiken is the best of the three resturent.. I also ask somebody,,,,,above are they born in USA?
  11. (~. w翔f进来

    (screen.width*0.8-200)) this.width=(screen.width*0.8-200)'> 这个是你吗?我想认识你呀,行吗? 哈哈,身高180
  12. please give me some suggestion

    After I know mark of college entrance examination.Mood is not very good, because the mark is unsatisfactory .It seems that my own ideal university can not have.Go out work,?It is say in such cousins working as Guangzhou ,etc. already now to listen to, graduate from the high school out the work...