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Say Goodbye to you all (1人在浏览)


XXXI Just Wanna Smileaaa
A silent night
With a silent heart of mine
Telling me it's time to say goodbye

Thinking of you all
And recalling the days we spent together
I can't help myself allowing the happy memories flooding out of my mind

Still remember those days and nights we were working hard together
Still remember those pictures we were joking with each other
Never forget
We'll never forget
The happy days will never fade away
Instead,they will stay in the hearts of we everyone's forever
Even if we will be apart for a year or even longer
Even if the last moment of our life is at the corner

I'm convinced that all of you have made a right dicision
No matter you chose to go back for one more year
Or to step forward
There's no need to care about what others are saying about you
Just hold your belief
Believing you can make it
That's enough

My dear friend
Good luck
I gotta go
To a new place
May you all can succeed

Best wishes to you
And of course
To myself

This is the last post before I leave for Nanjing to get higher level education.
Good luck to myself.
And I hope the forum will be better and better.
WOW! Thanks for your devoting your last post on our forum! Good luck to you! Enjoy your college life!
Thank you!
The same to you all!
Nanjing is a beautiful place.Enjoy your life there
Wish you a brilliant life and continue to contribute to our hometown after graduation.
Thanks for remembering us and keep us in your heart.....
Sorry to see you leave the forum, but I am happy to see you enter college for continuing higher education and start your new journey. Goodbye is always a saddest thing say and hear. However, in these days, there is no distance in the internet. We are not far away from you. You still can get online and come here meeting us. When you are bored, up or down, we are always here....be your listener.
May all your college life full of joys and success!
Good luck for your future endeavors...!

