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gloomy days (1人在浏览)


Being a graduating college student, we can stop asking one question, that is, why should we have to work? My teacher Mr. Hou said that, to work is for have a better life and stay away from boring. But, we all think work is so boring. Repeat the same thing, day after day, one after month. Killing me.

To be honestly, I do not resist work. But, I have no passion at all. I even don't know what exactly I want. I do not need too much money, then, what is my purpose for work? I have no idea, maybe, I just need a job, like other graduates need a job.

To quit a job needs courage. English major students like us, seems have to work far away from the city town. Should I go back to work as a teacher? Beats me.
Haha...I can see a newly college grad lost her career goal and confidence.
If you can answer me a very simple question, why did you go to school? You might say it is for my future.
I have to agree with your teacher Mr. Hou. If a person is without work, what else you will do. A very important consequence, how do you survive? If you think further, how do you support your family?

Let's go back to reality. Do you have a choice? If you do, don't spend your time at a position that wastes your valuable time. As you know life is short, find something that you are good at and interested in to do.
你感兴趣的地方, 未必是你的长处, 未必是你能从容面对, 你不感兴趣的地方, 未必是你的弱处, 未必是你不能从容面对的.
Why do you think you cannot work far away from the city?
No matter where you work, you can enjoy as long as you find your value. Try to find the interesting and think of your surrounding people! Just fighting !

