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水平太高了,不敢进来!! (1人在浏览)


Maybe you represent a group of people. However, thank you for making your comment. In fact, the people like you can post many things in "English Corner", but it must be of English and you must obey the rules set by 半个人. We will make comment according to your English level. I'll help all of you with all my power. We welcome the people who is good at English, and we also welcoem the people who want to improve their English. As long as you post here, you'll get the chance to improve.
thank you ~mask!
i will remenber you word ,and from now on i also make my best to imporve my english.
but can you tell me how to imporve it quikely~~~
QUOTE(ainillh @ 2005年07月19日 Tuesday, 01:08 PM)
thank you ~mask!
i will remenber you word ,and from now on i also make my best to imporve my english.
but can you tell me how to imporve it quikely~~~

I'm sorry to tell you that there is no shortcut in learning English. But I would like to guide you to some methods. As you know, learning English is a process of accumulation. So, at first, you should make sure the time you spend. To make efforts on learning the grammar is a very important process. In fact, its' dull. It's a great help to your learning. You may be suprised about your progress after making efforts on grammar, but you deserve it.
~~could you give me some advices about the grammar book,which is the best ?
QUOTE(ainillh @ 2005年07月20日 Wednesday, 12:56 PM)
~~could you give me some advices about the grammar book,which is the best ?

I think all the grammar books are similar. But I suggest you buying one that puts strong attention to the basic knowledge of English grammar.
fucking grammer, if the vocabulary does not reach the proper level, the grammer is useless. grammer is for the exams only, in reality, too much focus on the grammer will destroy the ability to learn, since those people scare they may make mistake on speaking, then those people not dare to say anything.
QUOTE(benjaminpan2 @ 2005年07月23日 Saturday, 11:43 PM)
fucking grammer, if the vocabulary does not reach the proper level, the grammer is useless. grammer is for the exams only, in reality, too much focus on the grammer will destroy the ability to learn, since those people scare they may make mistake on speaking, then those people not dare to say anything.

I agree with your point. You have to know enough vocabularies before you can consider grammar and build a sentence structure.
But I have to remind you that this is a public place, please watch your language when you express your thoughts. Please try not to use those dirty words if it's necessary!!!
I think i just provide the way of learning english from the other perspective. However, i felt sorry with those teaching tones.

Learn a language is not a difficult task, not difficult at all! I think, the most important thing to start a new learning is find out the interest of a people, once the person have interest on learning, not thing will be difficult.

Hi bee, if you are the editor of the "english coner" i really felt
anger with you, since you dennied the other people's idea, I think you did delete the post I put on last night. "the theory of Dick Pussy and Asshole"

I was not trying be rude, I just consider that, for many people(not all) they start a language learning from the "swearing Language", I did not have any intention to teach people swearing on the other, I just let the other people know when they were sweared. How about the foreigner say to you "you're a Fxxd Asxxxxd", are you going to mile on them? I think let the other people know something bad is not stand for bad, unless they miss used it.

Those words "Dick, Pussy, Asshole" are from a movie named "TEAM AMERICAN", I am not saying it is a good movie, however, it really enlighted me on the english learning
We welcome you to post your ideas or thoughts in a positive way. I am not sure how you talk to people in general. But this is a public forum. It's my responsibility as a host to keep the air "clean" at this corner. Maybe we have a different ethic standard and point of views on some street languages. You think talking "Fxxx" and posting "the theory of Dick Pussy and Asshole" is interesting and helpful to lean English. I found this is innocent for those people who come here to learn English and share their ideas. I don't think they want to learn something like these. It's OK I can talk or chat to you in person like this, but not in a public place. I hope you can understand!
Yeah, you can learn lots of this stuff in the movies and rap. Eminem is a celebrity about it, and I often listen to his works. But since this is a public forum, you are not supposed to post those words on. From the international students, I know to learn a language is not necessary to begin with "Hello". But it's necessarily banned in this public forum. I hope you understand.
no worries gentlman, from now on, there will not coarse language from me.

By the way, i just got a information, they said bee is in carlifornia, is that right?
QUOTE(ainillh @ 2005年07月19日 Tuesday, 01:08 PM)
thank you ~mask!
i will remenber you word ,and from now on i also make my best to imporve my english.
but can you tell me how to imporve it quikely~~~

I'm sorry to tell you that there is no shortcut in learning English. But I would like to guide you to some methods. As you know, learning English is a process of accumulation. So, at first, you should make sure the time you spend. To make efforts on learning the grammar is a very important process. In fact, its' dull. It's a great help to your learning. You may be suprised about your progress after making efforts on grammar, but you deserve it.

by the way, i have to say that there is short cut for language learning, I am pretty sure, otherwise there will be no good student and bad student.

Back to the old days, my teachs alway told me that study hard is the only way to achieve a good result. However after more than 17 years of studies, I acutally found that that is a mistake.

In my opinion, study hard is the way to keep a student in learning, however, in order to achieve advance standing, it is important to use the smart study. i think the studies short cut is our way of summarise a studies, for example, we can use our way to memorise vocubulary, either logical or just memorise it, if it is work, that is our short cut, dennies a short cut just like dennies our effort to do better. I think.

I used to studied hard, but that just for a stupid student like me, it was work in the higher school level, however, in the universities studies, insist on study hard just kept me inside a box, it made me forgot the new way of learning, and made me forget my own summaries in learning.

My friends, it is short cut exist in everything, we have to find it and understand it and improve it.

i think i had said to much, or i insisted too much on my own opinion, please forgive my master style tone.

at the end, i want to use a street chinese language to summarise my point:

努力只能使人不会饿死, 要发达, 我们还得用脑子. 我们对学习的总结就是" short cut"
Yeah, you are right. It's just another approach to cognize the meaning of "shortcut". Summerization of the learning methods can make the learner faster to be exposed to a higher level. To me, I'd like to regard the summerization as a method rather than a shortcut. Moreover, language study still obey the formula --- Effort + Method = Success. There is no necessity overplaying down effort, whereas method is not near by shortcut.
I am not a rote learner who just can make efforts and can't find methods. Maybe I never felt I lacked methods, maybe they came to me naturally, I think I'm lucky. I always believe to acchieve with the lowest energy comsuption is my value.
Hi mask, how lucky you are, you know, i had spend trip effort to achieve the same result with my classmate. if you are using msn messenger, please let me add you, of course under the condition of you don't mind.
QUOTE(benjaminpan2 @ 2005年07月26日 Tuesday, 06:21 PM)
no worries gentlman, from now on, there will not coarse language from me.

By the way, i just got a information, they said bee is in carlifornia, is that right?

It's good to hear that. I am sorry to force to obey in a way which we thought (only me personally) is right (not 100%). But it's better to.....haha.....

I was wondering when you said, "...they said bee...", who are "they"?
QUOTE(benjaminpan2 @ 2005年07月26日 Tuesday, 07:47 PM)
Hi mask, how lucky you are, you know, i had spend trip effort to achieve the same result with my classmate. if you are using msn messenger, please let me add you, of course under the condition of you don't mind.

"They said" just words to quote information from the othe people, They specifically is one of the people i met in this website, unfortunately, i couldn't remember his registered name now, however, if i see that people once again, i will tell you, ok?
QUOTE(benjaminpan2 @ 2005年07月29日 Friday, 07:12 PM)
"They said" just words to quote information from the othe people, They specifically is one of the people i met in this website, unfortunately, i couldn't remember his registered name now, however, if i see that people once again, i will tell you, ok?

Did "they" tell you a lot about me, or laugh at me as such a dull and obsolete guy? Haha....................
Don't take it so seriously. I was just joking la! I don't care who "they" are, where "they" from, what "they" do, as long as.........I forgot how to sing that song whe I used "they" in stead of "you". Well, as long as I can become a friend of you!
QUOTE(ainillh @ 2005年07月18日 Monday, 01:59 PM)

QUOTE(龙牙 @ 2005年07月30日 Saturday, 01:26 PM)

We don't require a very high level. If you can express your meanings in simple ways, you are qualified. I think the average high school students can easily do this. What's more, you'll never get progress if you refuse to practise.
I think you should understand your teacher's purpose. In most of the high schools, your aural skills practise doesn't suffice. Your teacher have to improve your aural skills by this way. In Grade 3, I think many students will complain about the not sufficient aural skills training.
I'm really interested in English.Sometimes I did very badly in the examinations,but I won't give up studying English because it's a part of my dream.And I also want to improve my English into another level since I'm a student of Grade 3 now!
QUOTE(Ealam777 @ 2005年08月05日 Friday, 12:48 PM)
I'm really interested in English.Sometimes I did very badly in the examinations,but I won't give up studying English because it's a part of my dream.And I also want to improve my English into another level since I'm a student of Grade 3 now!

As a student at Grade 3, I can tell your English is better than a lot people. If you keep up with improving your English, you will find learning English is fun and enjoyable. Maybe, someday you can have your major in English when you are in college.
Ealam, as you're very interested in English, maybe you will be concentrate on whether to choose English as your major. From the posts and threads, I know your English is a little bit higher than the average level of high school students. However, the requirement of an English major is much more sophisticated than that of high school students, even of whom are very good at English in their high school days. As an English major, if you will be, you'll be exposed to many aspects which might be annoymous to you. Are you interested in western philosophy?In western literature? In western culture? In linguistics? In the origin of the language? In... I'd rather suggest choosing the major as Bussiness English or something.
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年08月09日 Tuesday, 10:11 PM)
Ealam, as you're very interested in English, maybe you will be concentrate on whether to choose English as your major. From the posts and threads, I know your English is a little bit higher than the average level of high school students. However, the requirement of an English major is much more sophisticated than that of high school students, even of whom are very good at English in their high school days. As an English major, if you will be, you'll be exposed to many aspects which might be annoymous to you. Are you interested in western philosophy?In western literature? In western culture? In linguistics? In the origin of the language? In... I'd rather suggest choosing the major as Bussiness English or something.

As you said,I'm very interested in everything about western countries.
Thanks for your suggustion and I've known which way I should choose.

