He behaves quite differently from what he used to. 为什么要用differently ?
0 007梅 小学三年级 注册 2010-08-19 帖子 232 反馈评分 0 点数 1 2010-10-12 #1 He behaves quite differently from what he used to. 为什么要用differently ?
蜜蜂 NULL 版主 注册 2004-10-07 帖子 2,084 反馈评分 5 点数 61 2010-10-13 #2 The "differently" used in here to describe the action verb behave. His behavior or manner has changed. (my two cents)
The "differently" used in here to describe the action verb behave. His behavior or manner has changed. (my two cents)
0 007梅 小学三年级 注册 2010-08-19 帖子 232 反馈评分 0 点数 1 2010-10-13 #3 Thank you very much. I konw the reason before going to bed.