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  1. 瑶瑶玉照大暴光~~

  2. 浴室的```白嫩嫩的``

  3. new for maoming, new to here!

    QUOTE(lonelyhuang @ 2005年08月26日 Friday, 12:20 PM) come here just one day! Everything is new for me! I dare to know it from nothing! Is Dianbai a good place for me to stay?!~ Are the people here are nice?!~ What should I do?! Where can I play my football?~ so many ^^^^^^^ 624635 where are...
  4. “清心”到底有什么企图

    QUOTE(清心 @ 2005年08月26日 Friday, 11:55 AM) 我再和你们春华学校算一笔账,看看你们做了多少好事?...
  5. 电白客家QQ群5971445

  6. mask ,come in

    QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月31日 Sunday, 11:37 PM) Oh? I'm not the member of 兄弟联, but many teamates of mine are in it. Oh, the team you refered to is not my hometeam. The name of our team is A.C. 战鹰. Most of them gave up study in high school and played with the elites soccer players in Dianbai every...
  7. mask ,come in

    QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月31日 Sunday, 10:58 PM) Yes, I like soccer and I used to play, but I Seldom play now. I would rather watch soccer games. I found badminton was quite interesting, although I am not good at it. Besides, I'm sorry to tell you that I don't have a QQ account. I used to have one...
  8. mask ,come in

    mask ,Let's talk soccer. haha ,I happily know you like soccer , let's drink nectared wine (soccer)!
  9. 电白83.84年出生的人谁踢足球最有名啊~~

    QUOTE(nowbos123 @ 2005年07月20日 Wednesday, 10:33 AM) 听说<AC>和<奇迹>比较有知名度啊` 532197 奇迹实力不错,电白地区的像你说的年龄的队伍有, 电城队,麻岗绿茵,旦场也有条队(但是名字忘记了,可能现在已经解散了),七迳那楼队,还有小点的三角圩足球联队,05届水东中学高三联,以前三角圩就是83。84年龄段的一支辣椒队,他们在很小的时候就打过希望杯,那帮队员的实力不错,有几个很突出,02届广东中学生运动会茂名中学代表队就有两个三角圩的,不过都已经解散了。...
  10. 电白83.84年出生的人谁踢足球最有名啊~~

    QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月30日 Saturday, 07:48 PM) AC?说我们呀?现在我们在兄弟联踢了~ 566114 mask ,原来你也踢球?
  11. Which fast-food resturant is your most like?

    QUOTE(benjaminpan2 @ 2005年07月29日 Friday, 07:57 PM) Well, what i can tell you "benjiaminpan2, benjinminpan" are not my registered name in 0668cc, it is benjaminpan2. if you heard the name before, it is not weidd name, I am a normal people from dianbai, there is nothing special about me. I think...
  12. 最新内幕消息

    半个人, 来三角圩找我玩咯! 带你吃尽这里的好吃的. 这边的狗,鸭粥,的味道还是不错的!

    QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月28日 Thursday, 04:02 AM) San Francisco is very close to Stanford Univerisity. MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ph.D = Doctoral (Dr.) 博士 (Doctor of Philosophy) Speaking of donation to Stanford University, there are tons of money donate to the university...
  14. 职场人:英文简历词汇大全

    QUOTE(DBLOVER @ 2005年07月27日 Wednesday, 11:52 PM) Sorry about that, I do not understand what did you mean. Could you explain that in Chinese ? Please. 558270 You are the master of the Engish-forum ,you are finally apear. but I hadn't seen you back messege in the theme what I issed! Hope you can...